If you live with chronic or frequent pain, you might consider therapeutic massage as a treatment option. Many patients who visit Marianna Health & Wellness complain about back pain, myofascial pain syndrome, tennis elbow, and other conditions. Chiropractic care, including massage, can be a helpful treatment option. Before your first massage therapy appointment, there are a few things you may want to know.

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Why Massage Therapy Is Effective

Massage is a technique that helps your body heal quickly. Not only can massage heal your body, but it also offers improved health and musculoskeletal efficiency. Massage is also known for reducing stress and providing relaxation to sore muscles. It can also increase blood circulation and improve lymphatic drainage, which helps flush out toxins from the body.

Massage Therapy Treats Many Conditions

If you live with chronic pain, massage therapy may be one of the best treatment options for long-term care. Additionally, massage therapy can treat acute pain and injuries. Common conditions chiropractors may treat with massage therapy include:

  • Fibromyalgia
  • Myofascial pain syndrome
  • Rotator cuff syndrome
  • Whiplash
  • Sciatica
  • Tennis elbow
  • Strains and sprains
  • Sports injuries
  • Headaches and migraines

Even if your condition is not on this list, your chiropractor may be able to help you with massage therapy. Different techniques are used to treat different conditions, and your chiropractor will be able to customize a treatment plan that is best for you.

Additional Benefits of Massage Therapy

Massage offers additional benefits as well. Not only does it help heal muscle spasms and soft tissue injuries, but it also improves flexibility and mobility. In fact, massage can aid connective tissues that are otherwise tight. For many patients, relaxation is an essential component of massage. Massage provides a calming effect that can help reduce anxiety and improve your physical and emotional well-being. If you carry a lot of tension, this could impact your body’s ability to heal.

Chiropractors Can Pair Massage with Other Techniques

Your chiropractor may recommend massage therapy along with other treatments, such as spinal manipulation or rehabilitation exercises. Combining massage therapy with other techniques can provide maximum relief for your condition. Your chiropractor may suggest a combination of therapies to give you the best possible outcome.

Contact a Chiropractor for Therapeutic Massage

If you’re looking for massage therapy in Marianna, call our office at (850) 526-4830. At Marianna Health & Wellness, Dr. Bennett can provide guidance if you are living with chronic pain and other conditions.